You'd never guess that Mr. Harris is from Newfoundland and has the gift of the gab.
I can't respond to it all, but let me make this one point so we're clear. British Columbia is in fact considering going online with this, so it would certainly expand accessibility—as opposed to what Ontario is talking about, which is, at this point, restricting their going into the commercial casinos and maybe the charity ones.
You've hit the nail on the head, though, with regard to accessibility and what happened with the VLTs. Ontario, at that time—I know, I was part of the discussion during that time—opted not to. That still is the case in Ontario. The Province of Ontario does not allow VLTs in any place.
However, in other jurisdictions, after you get over that initial hump of the kind of problems you ran into, it tends to level off.
I don't know, but Mr. Rutsey or Mr. Burns might be able to comment more on that.