If I may, there are factions within the industry that would see different types of.... People have talked about a betting exchange or charities being able to offer sports betting. It's not an easy product for people to offer. It does require a strong knowledge base and it does require some sophistication and understanding of what you're offering bets on.
A betting exchange is a brokering of a bet between two people. In essence you are not the house making the book; you are facilitating two people placing a bet. There are online organizations that do that. It is a way of offering it.
I think the provinces could determine on their own if that's a product they wish for their provinces. The essence of this was that betting exchanges still couldn't occur if this change wasn't made either. Whether people want to do that in the future or not, I think the provinces have been indicating that they would simply like this opportunity. I don't think charitable gaming has the capacity to offer any kind of product on sports wagering in terms of where they are. It's all done under the purview of the Criminal Code and by the province, because charities cannot offer electronic gaming on their own; they must do it in conjunction with the provincial agencies.