Mr. Goguen and I have had some discussions. Generally speaking, I don't have an objection, although I want to put on the record our interest in having the officials back here. We haven't heard all the witnesses yet, but so far we've heard some significant suggestions from the witnesses, particularly the Canadian Bar Association and the Barreau du Québec, about the provisions that are here. We would like to, as we said at the beginning, bring the officials back to have further discussion with them, based on the evidence we have heard and will hear. We would like an opportunity, and we suspect it will be required—but I'll concede that it may not. I'd suggest it's more likely that we would want to have an opportunity to reflect on what the officials have to say in response to the evidence we've heard, and then the time that's required, if necessary, to propose amendments for consideration at clause-by-clause.
So I wouldn't be optimistic at all about us moving immediately to clause-by-clause on March 6. Mr. Goguen said that we might move to clause-by-clause on March 6. I'm suggesting that's unlikely.