Thank you.
First of all, to take away that really unreasonable demand the current legislation requires—that they can only catch a shoplifter committing the crime—is a huge break. Because if one thinks about it carefully, that timeframe is infinitesimal. When the thief is in the store taking the goods, the act has not yet been completed, because he has the chance to pay for it at the cash. As soon as he leaves the cash, the act has been completed. I guess that's the infinitesimal moment: when the person is passing the cash. At some point, you can say, “Aha—he wasn't going to pay for it”.
It is totally unrealistic, and it's unevenly enforced as well. If you think about Mr. Cotler talking earlier about security guards, security guards always apprehend outside the store. By that time, the act has been committed. There are actually no rights to that arrest. Yet in that case, the police would never nail a security guard for an illegal arrest.
That's why we need Bill C-26 as a good start: to clarify. It is a break; however, I would submit that it is just a good start. I see in the language, as I say in my submission, such caution; there is such concern that these store owners would go overboard. The problem is that in that equation there is not sufficient attention, in my submission, paid to the concerns of what has been going on in these stores in the meantime, and that is rampant shoplifting.
Mr. Chen's case is such a dramatic demonstration of what happens when the law fails people: the store owners, until this proposed amendment, basically had both hands tied behind their backs and a huge stick over their heads. Dare you do anything.... Just let them take it and go: I've heard that on so many talk shows, with hosts and other people asking why he can't just let them take the plant, asking how it can be worth him having to struggle on the street, and saying that we can't have violence on the street.
My answer to that is that we send soldiers to Afghanistan: what do you think they do there? There are values that we believe are worth fighting for. It's okay to do it overseas, but we can't have a struggle on the street...? We'd rather let people steal from people the things that they work so hard for...? The potted plant, for a middle-class person, may be just something nice to look at on our patio in the summer while we sip our Pinot Grigio, but for Mr. Chen, it's food on the table and education for his children and clothes on their backs.
It is that sense of respect for and recognition of citizens' rights and their participation in the community that I think Bill C-26 has done a good job of starting to address.