I don't think there's anything in the legislation that seeks to encourage anyone to resist law enforcement activities. However, it is already part of the law of self-defence that if a person has a reasonable belief that they're being assaulted—and this includes if a police officer is using excessive force or attacking them, as opposed to using force within the necessary parameters to arrest them—then the present law of self-defence allows a claim of self-defence against that conduct.
All we are seeking to do here is maintain that aspect of the law, which is going to be lost from where it is presently located as a by-product of other changes to the law of self-defence. This is just a restatement in a slightly different way of what the existing law is in respect of self-defence in these cases. I don't think there's anything in the legislation...and that this is something Canadians should consider doing certainly wouldn't form a part of our public education materials.