Yes. I think I would agree with Mr. Goguen's comments.
This particular factor was deliberately drafted to focus attention on.... It doesn't use the terminology “battered spouse” and so on and so forth, but the concept that emerges from jurisprudence in relation to those issues definitely speaks to the relationship between the parties. This factor is there to draw the courts' attention to that jurisprudence, to that history, and to that factor. I think the concern would be that if you brought in the language somewhat, it's absolutely true that it won't mean that it won't apply or won't refer to the battered spouse situation, but it won't as clearly speak to that situation.
I think our concern would be that you might actually be undermining what I think everyone agrees the objective is, which is to ensure the court.... This is in fact a signal to the courts that they should continue to apply the jurisprudence that already exists. The more you take account situations that bear no relation at all to the battered spouse situation, the greater the risk that you may undermine that signal from Parliament to the courts.