Thank you, Mr. Harris, for the question.
In fact, when you spoke originally, I wrote down, “Write to Mr. Harris”.
About article 6, sub 3 of the protocol, as the chairperson of Walk With Me Canada, I can say there are no funds. It would probably behoove me to tell you the financial statements of that organization, which serves slaves across Canada and works on a budget of less than $100,000 a year. And I mean for everything. We've had gracious volunteers. Ms. Nagy was nice enough to acknowledge that there are volunteers helping, but quite candidly, there is no money, no funding. The present funding for the safe house will expire on March 31—provincial funding. It's in Ontario. I'm obviously not going to tell you where, but it's in Ontario. It's based on 72 hours and a kit that's—I'll get the number wrong—about $100 of goods and services that will allow these men or women to be able to move forward in their life.
Once they leave there, they are at the whim of not having all the things in the protocol: housing, medical service, translation services. Ms. Nagy is not going to tell you this, but for Project OPAPA, all the translation from Hungarian to English was done by her for free. That was not supported by any government agency, provincially, federally, or municipally.
I could go on another five minutes about what happened with the male victims of labour slavery from Hungary and Project OPAPA. There is no safe house for them, so some of them were put up in hotels with privately funded money.