When you look at the issue of child sex trafficking, it is generally the local or national children in Canada who are trafficked. Certainly that is a reality. In fact, I don't think we have before the courts any cases involving trafficking of children that are not, at the moment, involving local children, not children brought into Canada. Generally, if you look at sex trafficking, the use of children for profit, it's a local phenomenon.
You actually mentioned the United States. Sometimes I worry about the United States getting too much of a pat on the back. In actual fact, the money from The Body Shop in the United States with our American ECPAT group went to bringing in legislation so that children in prostitution are not arrested. It may well be that the United States has looked very closely and done some good work about trafficking foreigners into the United States, but in terms of children in the United States, they are way behind the eight ball, and they still arrest them in many states.
Back to your question, is this going to address a phenomenon or is a phenomenon out there, as I think you are asking? One of the things—