I want to add that in general there are only so many dollars to go around, there are only so many prosecutors, etc. The general principle is that wherever the person was caught, that country—say, for example, a Canadian in Bangkok, Thailand....
And we have one in Bangkok, Thailand, haven't we? You all know of Christopher Paul Neil, Mr. Swirly, who thought he was going to outfox the German police? He was caught in Bangkok.
He didn't make it home to Canada. He would have tried, but he wouldn't make it. So they tried him there. Had they said they were shipping him off to Canada, Canada would have picked it up.
But generally, the principle in child sex tourism is that if they're caught, for example, in Cuba or the Dominican Republic, and if they want to try them for crimes against their citizens, they have the right to do it. If they don't, then they ship them home. It's very simple.