All right.
I'll skip to what I think is the most important part of this debate, which is often misunderstood, and that is that hate speech is a practice of discrimination. It's more than just speech. This is where the argument lies in the popular media, in Maclean's magazine, etc. They treat hate speech as just a form of expression. It's not.
The Supreme Court of Canada has held that hate speech is more than that. They've recognized it in, for example, sexual harassment. People can sexually harass, be punished for it, and have their so-called speech limited if they have poisoned the work environment. They can do that by posting pornography, for example. It could be argued that posting pornography is freedom of speech, but when it affects a person's ability to work, it's more than that.
Hate speech operates in the same way. Hate speech hurts people. Hate speech interferes with employment. Hate speech interferes with people's freedom of speech. So in that sense we have to, in my humble submission, see hate speech for exactly what it is. It is more than expression. It is a form of discrimination.
I'd be happy to expand upon that in the question period.
Thank you very much for your attention.