Well, I believe those kinds of expressions of opinion or legitimate public demonstrations are actually protected by this piece of legislation. I think it's very important to point that out. They're protected by this piece of legislation because what it does is it targets those individuals who would come to any kind of legitimate public gathering, whether it be a demonstration or otherwise, looking to use the fact that there's a large gathering to engage in criminal activity. These are the types of individuals, as I mentioned earlier, who come prepared with these tool kits, including disguises and other tools, to cause mayhem and damage.
That puts a stain on the demonstration or the gathering, and I think their message gets lost in the fact that now there's property being damaged and destroyed. I think that's really unfortunate, because I think it's important that we have the ability to demonstrate peacefully in this country. It's a democratic country, and we all should have that right. But when individuals like this come and become involved in this kind of situation, take advantage of the situation, they take away from the message that the individuals are there to try to demonstrate.
So to your point, I think it actually is a very strong tool in terms of protecting the rights of individuals to make legitimate points in peaceful demonstrations.