I'm very mindful of what my colleague has raised, being a British Columbia member of Parliament, that of the so-far 226 approved charges, only two have been under subsection 351(2) in the Criminal Code.
We have heard testimony previously, for instance, of the severe beating of a law-abiding citizen during the recent Vancouver riots where all the individuals beating that law-abiding citizen were masked and disguised. As you've correctly pointed out, identification is a very difficult problem.
I'd like it if you would elaborate a little more on your own training regarding mob mentality, crowd management, security planning, and indicate the kinds of difficulties that arise. You've talked about some very high-profile events you've been involved in.
When you're trying to deal with events such as those dealing with masked individuals, can you give us an on-the-ground sense of what you're dealing with in those situations when they get out of hand?