Thank you.
To me kidnapping is kidnapping. We seem to muddy the waters from time to time. What I recognize, as a police officer, is that we ended up finding new things in the Criminal Code all the time, and we could never figure out why they were going in there. But we were the enforcers of the law, not the creators of law.
So section 281 was created at some point in time, for whatever reason I don't know. It was created and the wording is quite specific, “not being the parent, guardian or person having the lawful care or charge of a person”. Well to me that just muddied the waters with regard to kidnapping. Kidnapping is quite clear—a person is taken against their will. So why section 281 was brought in and when it was brought in is probably something that someone in this room can answer better than I.
Kidnapping is kidnapping.