Thank you.
I think there are lessons to be learned from our work in spousal abuse cases and child abuse cases, all of which have some application here. Similarly, in these circumstances, more often than not it is a relationship of trust. Of course, there's the problem that the very person you might want to punish is also the caregiver for the person who's been victimized. You do have a very complicated situation. Frankly, if there were more people around, perhaps that abuse would not have happened, but tthere's that dependency, and a restorative justice approach might actually be more appropriate.
Singularly, just having this kind of sentencing provision is still important. I think we do have to explore those other options and recognize that this kind of crime is pervasive and growing, and so far there hasn't been a comprehensive approach to really get at it. I think that does deal with some of the elements of the nature of this offence, and I think it would be an exceedingly important one.