I applaud those who do, because obviously this is the kind of issue that isn't just about governments; it's about communities coming together and awareness of all people, and particularly those on the front lines, so we really do appreciate all your efforts.
Now that we are proposing this legislation, this will bring this together, as you said. When and if it gets to that stage, then at least we have this.
It's also a matter of showing a deterrent, showing a concern, putting it at a level where all Canadians can see that we consider it a serious issue. I have seen in my law practice, before becoming an MP, that sometimes just the fact that law enforcement officials get involved and are investigating and looking at it will lead to an end of the abuse. Even if it doesn't get to a further stage because the elder person doesn't want to testify, for instance, the abuse stops. So at least that result is gained.
Would you agree with that? Any comments on that?