I think what you said is very important, in the sense that the way we treat our seniors is an indicator of the way we as a society respect one another. We talk about systemic abuse, about the growing elderly population, and the growing health care needs of the elderly population. If we do not as a society address these properly, we are also contributing to the abuse of the elderly.
Systemic abuse is going on. People have a hard time, maybe, seeing themselves as participants in systemic abuse, but it is there.
We have some laws in Quebec for placement of seniors that in my opinion are quite abusive. Seniors have to get out of a hospital, once they no longer need acute care, within 48 hours. Then they have to go into an evaluation bed, and then they have to go into a transit bed, and then they can get to their final bed. They're moved four times before they get to their final nursing home. To me, that's abuse.
So yes, we have to look at all those things. If we don't deal with this issue systemically, then we're almost being.... I don't know what the word is, but just looking at the individual who does the abuse is not sufficient.