I think we should start with a hotline, for example. We have in Edmonton a seniors abuse helpline, a place where seniors can call, where professionals can call, to get direction, to get support, to get information referral. I think it's very helpful. It does put the issue more out in public, because it becomes promoted and people know about it and know that this issue needs to be dealt with. It's not a bad idea to have something like that for anyone, really, to turn to for some guidance and so forth.
There are other things as well. In terms of support services, we have the multidisciplinary team. I'm going to harp on that a little bit, because in Edmonton we started that in 1998. It has allowed the health professionals and the social workers, and mental health now have joined us, and the police, and me as a social worker on the community development side, to all be part of a team. That way, when a case comes in, it's not just a police officer looking at it, or a social worker; it's all of us together trying to figure out, in any complex type of situation, the best way to deal with it, and who may take the lead in terms of dealing with the situation and then getting support from the others on that team. That has been very effective for us to look at the situation, understand it better, and in turn deal with it.
I'm just going to throw that out there. If there are more opportunities to develop those kinds of teams.... There is one now in Calgary, there is one now in Waterloo, and I know that other community responses are happening in Alberta as well. That's just one thing I'll throw out there in terms of support.
I'll leave it at that, because I'm sure there are others who want to speakāor not.