I have actually been quite impressed, Monsieur Jacob, over the years with respect to what provinces do in this area. We talk quite a bit, as you know, at the federal level about what we are doing for victims, but we're not the only ones. I've been impressed by what non-governmental organizations and groups, individuals, provinces, and municipalities are doing. That's one of the things I have found over the years when I've travelled across this country. I have been quite impressed by the different services that are provided to victims.
I've been of the opinion, and we state that very clearly, that we have to do more. I think the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime will say that. It is an ongoing project and commitment priority of the government to continue to do this. Again, what happens at the provincial level is not all the same— appreciate that—nor is the fine option program the same, as we've already indicated. That being said, there are programs in place to assist victims. Quite frankly, I don't know of any jurisdiction that doesn't have some type of program which in one way or another assists victims. We can all say that they should be doing more, but I know of no jurisdiction in this country that doesn't in some way extend a hand to victims, and on that we are all agreed. I'm always agreed with my provincial and territorial counterparts that we make that a priority and continue to do more for victims who are on the right track.