I think this is a whole other area.
I think one of the things that fails victims in this country is the fact that there's no minimum standard of service across the country. For example, Newfoundland has virtually nothing for victims. They have a small fund to provide psychological help, and that's a sliding scale depending on the severity of the crime.
I think what fails victims right across the country is the fact that if the crime happens in one province, and the family lives in another province, then you fall between the cracks. It's what I call the gap in services. With respect to the extra funds that come in, I think we need to get the justice ministers across the country together, maybe at one of your federal-provincial meetings, and table this because I don't believe that the funds.... It's great to collect the funds, but it's really important to make sure those funds are used for the intended purpose, and I don't think that's happened. I hear the provinces are accountable, but I think there could be more accountability. I think it could be more transparent.