There is definitely a huge gap and has been for years. Historically, ever since I've been around, the provinces have been responsive to victims of domestic violence, mainly women, by providing funding for shelters; child victims of sexual abuse, historical child victims of sexual abuse, which came to light in 1993, I believe; and to provide services for female sexual assault victims, but not males. It has been across the board, I guess, in all provinces, where the provinces have responded.
It was 24 years ago when this victim fine surcharge came into force. Our organization and others were part of advocating for this, with the hopes that there might be some money for another set of victims, in particular for victims of homicide.
The gap is huge. For instance, in Ontario, with the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board, there is pain and suffering for all kinds of victimization other than for homicide, mainly because your loved one is deceased, has been murdered, but there is no pain and suffering.... There is no compensation for victims in our case, and in some cases we have had a very difficult time.
I was a board member on the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board for the Province of Ontario, and I chaired that board for a while. One of the difficult issues we struggled with was providing compensation for funeral expenses for a family to bury their loved one. They were denied because their loved one had maybe been trafficking in drugs. So the family was actually—