You've asked quite a few questions there, and we'll attempt to get to them.
In terms of why more money is needed, we assess these on a regular, ongoing basis. You might say, well, why don't you just do it once a year and you should be able to figure this out? When we have a look at the ongoing processes and we get feedback from those who are either employed by the Department of Justice or are associated with it, in terms of these various costs...this is the whole supplemental estimates program, to try to make sure it squares with what actually is happening.
A number of issues that you raise, quite frankly, are with Public Safety. Nonetheless, if you're asking about the whole question of assurances, as I indicated in my answer to Mr. Cotler, these are investigated very carefully. We make an assessment of these. For instance, I'm directly involved with extradition in this country. We have people, who I believe have considerable expertise in this area, to look at this very, very carefully, and this is something that we look for. Unless we get those assurances on a number of the issues, as I indicated to Mr. Cotler, that will hold up or stop something.
Sometimes there can be challenges in this when you're dealing with different legal systems around the world, but we're very careful. We're not sending somebody outside of this country unless everything is in place and everything is as it should be in terms of what we are required to do. If you think about it, this is a huge change in status for an individual to be actually removed from a country and moved to another country. I, for one, am very careful with that, as I'm sure all previous justice ministers have been. When we get these requests, it's to make sure that what we're talking about are serious matters that can and will be determined and that there are proper assurances in place.
You ask, how do you determine that? This is the expertise I have with the people around me, and then, ultimately, we have to make those decisions. But I'm confident in the cases that I have been involved with over the last six years that we have fulfilled our responsibilities on that.
Deputy, did you have anything additional on these questions?