Yes, I know.
Your more fundamental question is really not a question for us to answer. It's really a question for Parliament and for the Minister of Foreign Affairs, who is responsible for treaty negotiations.
As you know, the process changed two years ago, in that treaties are now deposited in Parliament for the purposes of comment by MPs. That's a new progression from the way it used to be before, when actually the treaty never even appeared in Parliament. I think Parliament is starting to take lessons from other countries as to how they do it. We have had some progression. That's not to say there isn't more room for moving forward with others.
In terms of a background brief, that is not the practice of most common law countries. I think the countries that you're referring to are usually civil law countries, a different constitutional system. In some of those civil law countries, international treaties become part of their domestic law upon ratification. They don't even need to have implementing legislation. They're not dual states, they're monist states.