It certainly demonstrates Canada's continued commitment to nuclear security and it continues to show Canada's leadership in this regard. We have been most cooperative over the years in working with our allies and partners on this concern, and indeed all areas of mutual concern and mutual interest. It very clearly demonstrates our commitment to working with our international allies.
It becomes very apparent when you look into these areas that in many ways the world becomes borderless, in the sense that this kind of activity.... I mentioned al-Qaeda. They don't respect anything, I suppose, but they don't respect international boundaries; we can all become targeted via this kind of nefarious activity, as I said in my opening comments, so I think it's important for Canada to move forward on these concerns, and, I wish, on all these areas.
For instance, I think I introduced four times the bill that cracked down on people who bring drugs into this country, to up the penalties on those things. It wasn't a question of a lack of commitment on my part or the government's part or my colleagues' part, but you know the situation we went through. If it wasn't filibustered by the opposition parties in the House of Commons, the Liberal-dominated Senate would hold it up forever.
We've tried on several occasions, and I'm much more optimistic today. I'm very pleased with the progress we are making, but it was difficult that it took us about four years to send the message out to people who want to organize crime and bring drugs into Canada that they're going to jail. I never wavered on that. Time after time we introduced that measure, and I'm glad it's now the law in this country and that there's better protection for children in this country. As with all of these things, I hope they have the support of everyone, but you can check the record of the last seven years.