Actually, it was very difficult, as you will remember, Ms. Bennett, to try to get any legislation through in the criminal justice area. If the dozens of bills that I introduced into the House weren't opposed by one of the three parties, there was a desire many times by the opposition parties to talk about them incessantly, to go on and on, and I'd get a bit of a filibuster, so it was a bit of a challenge. With respect to the election that took place in 2011, we have a majority government. These things are moving along a lot better, and I'm very pleased about that.
As I indicated to you, quite apart from that, the activity in question is criminal activity, and more specific, and the penalties are increased. That said, if you look around, you will see that it's consistent with our allies. I indicated to you that both the British and the Australians have moved on this concern in the last couple of years. The Americans are not there yet, but my expectation is that they will examine this issue again, so it seems to me it's consistent with our allies.
I'm much more optimistic these days when we introduce legislation, and I will be introducing more legislation. Because of the new configuration in the House of Commons, I am much more optimistic today that we'll get it through.