Thank you very much.
And my thanks to all of the witnesses who have come here today, particularly Mrs. Harvey, who has experienced a dreadful loss, a nightmare. I'm sorry to be part of your nightmare by having you with us today, but I do appreciate your willingness to do that.
I have a question for you, but before I get to it, I can't contain myself from commenting on Monsieur Battista's evidence a moment ago.
I am very glad that Monsieur Battista has looked at some of the statutes around the world that do give exemptions from mandatory minimum penalties. I strongly urge him to read Bill C-10 also because he will find a very similar provision in it.
To help him along, I want to refer him specifically to Bill C-10, proposed subsection 10(5), under subclause 43(2), which adds a paragraph to the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, which reads as follows: “If the offender successfully completes a program under subsection (4)”—that is, a drug treatment court program—“the court is not required to impose the minimum punishment for the offence for which the person was convicted.”
I know when you read that, sir, you will find it meets the requirements of what you were just saying.
Mr. Chair, I just have to emphasize to all of those people who are watching today and considering this matter, it is a very beneficial thing to read the bill and look at some of the things we have in it.
Mrs. Harvey, I have expressed to you my understanding of what you have gone through, and I do want to repeat my condolences.
I want to ask you a little bit about the intangible measures or damages or losses that you have experienced, but before I do, if you'll permit me, I'd like to inquire a little bit about the more mundane questions of expenses. I know that in a case such as yours there are travel expenses and funeral expenses and other expenses.
Have you ever bothered to come to a conclusion about how much money you have lost? I know that's an awful question in relation to your daughter's death, but for people out there who want something concrete to fasten onto, have you reached a conclusion about that?