I guess I would say that a lot of the criminal aspects of cyberbullying are already covered under the current code, whether it's online or offline. Harassment is harassment, whether it's online or offline. Extortion is extortion, online or offline.
If we are going to put in a bill, I would agree with the Conservative gentleman who was asking Ms. Fry questions or discussing the inconsistency in the bill. The proposed amendments are only covering certain aspects of cyberbullying.
I really don't think it would make a difference. I understand the need for a tool. The only purpose it would serve at this point is to give some comfort to the public that something is being done, but there have been so many band-aid measures. Do we really need piecemeal band-aid measures? Once that's done, it leaves the impression that we've done what we can, but we really need to study this in much more depth and come up with ways to look at it.
I don't know if I have more time.