No. The age that we kept as the benchmark was obviously anyone under the age of 18.
You're absolutely right in terms of these criminal organizations targeting our young people, especially as young as eight. To give you an example, during my consultation I met with someone who was trying to exit the gang lifestyle. It was at an organization called RAGS, Regina Anti-Gang Services, and he shared a story with me.
This individual was about 18 or 19 years of age. He said, “You know, I use my younger siblings, my brothers and my sister, to carry weapons, to carry drugs, and for these other illegal activities.” It was for the same reason that you just mentioned. The younger brother or the sister who is under age cannot be formally charged. If he gets caught, a police officer is able to interrupt them and intercept, but there's nothing anyone can really do.
So, yes, these criminal organizations, these gangs, do use young people to carry out most of the dirty work.