This is not a philosophical question. It's a question of construction and interpretation.
Clause 12 amends paragraph 486.2(5)(a) of the Criminal Code, aids in testimony, and your bill proposes to amend existing language in the French version.
Currently, the French version reads “une infraction grave présumée avoir été commise”. In English that's “presumed to have been committed”. The bill proposes to replace this language with “une infraction grave censément commise”, an offence supposedly or purportedly committed.
Censément is not used elsewhere in the Criminal Code to describe the alleged commission of an offence, whereas the phrase “présumée avoir été commise” is. Moreover, censément is not an appropriate concept with respect to criminal law offences. Principles of legislative drafting would dictate that the words “présumée avoir été commise” be maintained to ensure their consistency in use and meaning across the Criminal Code.
The question of the hour is, are you okay with this?