Yes, I believe it would. It's another step in the right direction. If we can describe it as denunciation or.... What I prefer to call it is a guaranteed consequence. If a gang member is caught recruiting a young person into a gang, they know there will be a consequence.
I know we've had some discussion of “Wouldn't they get around it?” If we make playgrounds and schools gang-free zones, won't they try somewhere else? They will, but anything we do to make it more difficult for gangs to carry out their activities, for gangs to recruit people, for gangs to inflict harm on our communities, is a positive step.
An example of that would be criminal property forfeiture laws that Manitoba and other provinces are bringing in. People will say, “Is it solving the problem?” No, but it's one step along the way. If we hit gangs and organized crime in the pocketbook by seizing their property using civil law, it becomes that much more difficult for gangs and criminal organizations to carry out their activities. We make it a more and more hostile place for gangs to carry on business. We disrupt their activities. We make it more difficult, and by doing that we get the dividend of safer communities.