Here's one more: 38% of people who previously have been found with an NCR designation, who have committed some sexual offences, had a subsequent offence once they emerged. That's when they come out of treatment. They come out and the medical society has deemed them as not being a threat to society. They're released back into society and they reoffend, 38% of them, based on Crocker's numbers.
I think there have to be steps taken to make sure society is protected. Obviously, the regime we have in place now doesn't do it. You're saying what we need is more money at the front end, but these are people who have gone into the system, have had treatment, have gone back into society and have reoffended.
Don't you think that for the ones who have committed the most serious, violent offences, we have to change the system, once we give them that designation, to make sure there's a higher standard before they re-enter society?