Yes, I'll try.
Basically, it is a matter of finding a balance between protecting the society and protecting the individual. As experts will tell you, it is always very difficult to assess how dangerous an individual is based on the one act the person committed. The act is definitely a major factor, but that is not what tells us whether the person will reoffend or not.
As an aside, the Barreau du Québec is happy that the judges will be responsible for assessing those issues. That is a good thing. However, we feel that, if a person is designated because of the offence committed and the brutality of the offence—which is a rather broad concept—and if the legislation sets out very strict rules for the process, it will create a straitjacket. In which case, the freedom of the person is at stake, when sometimes that is not necessary.
When it is necessary, the courts act accordingly. That happens every day. Dangerous people are sent to hospitals and are deprived of their freedom to a certain extent. At any rate, our concern is that it will create a straitjacket.