I just have a follow-up on Mr. Seeback's comments.
One of the challenges you have is that these are the concepts that, obviously, Ms. O'Sullivan thought necessary to bring to the committee's attention. The problem is that we've had other bills come to this committee where we say, “Are we going to be creating tension because there may be terms that are not defined in the Criminal Code that may conflict with other parts of the Criminal Code?” Again, this may cause unintended consequences that will not serve the public interest.
As much as I understand what the member has asked for, and as much as I know that the parliamentary secretary is always willing to work with people on good ideas, one of the challenges here is that these words have not been vetted, at least in my opinion, to such an extent where I could feel comfortable taking them and literally sticking them into my Criminal Code, knowing that it's going to be, at the end of the day, a better Criminal Code for it. I just hope the opposition recognizes that fact.
Again, not to take away from what the parliamentary secretary says, I just have a real concern when we are making amendments on the fly and not studying them as measured legislators.
Thank you.