Mr. Chairman, as I said at the outset when we were considering this, I appreciate the spirit of this amendment, but I do have concerns regarding the privacy laws and the obligations of the government. While the first version of amendment NDP-1 would have released only the address of the NCR-accused, this revision now adds the conditions of release. It's problematic from a privacy point of view because some conditions may be of a more private nature and not pertinent to the victim's needs—for example, conditions respecting particular elements of a treatment plan.
While I feel the spirit is correct on this amendment, I think it might be proper for the Privacy Commissioner to be consulted, perhaps in relation to similar amendments, at either report stage or in the Senate. Therefore, in that regard and by way of conclusion, if we cannot agree on this tonight, it might be appropriate for the committee to include in its report to the House that it seeks to clarify this matter at report stage, lest the Speaker reject a similar amendment at report stage as being a matter that ought to have been considered at committee.