We have no more questioners and we have another item here.
I want to thank the witnesses for coming today. We had you back after a year. I appreciate the extensive presentations you gave today on the issues and answering the questions. We will be dealing with this in the next number of weeks. There is a possibility you will be called back based on if we get input from other provinces and so on. I want to thank you for that.
Just so the committee knows, these officials were our witnesses for today. We have set aside next Tuesday to continue this study. Let's be frank. We have asked so far those six provinces that have submitted. None of them are terribly interested in being witnesses. They don't have anything more to say. They have said to the clerk that basically their letters speak for themselves, that they really don't think it would be useful.
We haven't heard from the other seven, the rest of the provinces and the three territories. You could ask us to follow up one more time with them.
Just as a reminder, you had other witnesses or at least the New Democrats had other witnesses last time. We have next Tuesday set aside. Thursday's meeting is cancelled because we have the presentation in the House from our special guest, the Aga Khan. Next Tuesday is available for witnesses. If you have some witnesses you'd like to see for next Tuesday, please let the clerk know and we'll work on that.
Next Thursday, the 6th I believe it is, the minister has offered to come here to talk about supplementary estimates (C), the estimates which we normally should do. Since he's available that day, I have made the executive decision that we will have him for the first hour on March 6, and then we'll have officials for the second hour, if we need them for the full time, to talk about supplementary estimates (C).
Then there will be a two-week break. When we come back from the break, we will decide either to proceed with some suggestions, or a report, or if we need to see more witnesses. I think we can have that discussion at the end of next Tuesday's meeting, if that's okay. Is everybody okay with that?
Sounds good.