To answer your last question first in terms of consequences, although I think it's extremely, incredibly important, I'm very confused as to how you could put consequences for the non-respect of a certain right. You don't have that in the Criminal Code. I can't think of anywhere in the code where you have that. If there's a charter right that is breached, ask for a remedy under the charter. That's why we have subsections 24(1) and 24(2).
I think the real question is not necessarily what's in section 530, or what's in this part. The real question is, what is the intent and what is the feeling of the government? That's the real question. Are they prepared to give trials in the other language? If you have judges of whatever jurisdiction, and they value it, you're going to get that trial. If you don't, you may have a problem. The question is, we should remove.... It should not be a question of, well, maybe you have a right, maybe you don't. It should be clear in the magistrature that, of course, you have a right to a full, in my case, English trial.