You're picking up on some of the things that were mentioned by the media. In relation to terrorism there are some amendments to make the existing provisions consistent with other existing provisions.
Currently, from the Criminal Code, you can get the wiretap authorizations for up to a year in relation to organized crime or terrorism offences. So that timeframe was added to the number recorder warrant, which is being converted into the transmission data recorder warrant and the tracking warrant to make those consistent. That was done primarily because the tracking warrant and number recorder warrant currently are usually always obtained at the same time a wiretap authorization is obtained. Making the timeframes consistent means that the police don't have to constantly go back to the court every 60 days to make it go in line with the wiretap authorization.
In relation to cable theft, as the minister has mentioned, the theft of cable or telecommunications has been an offence in the Criminal Code since the 1970s. The only thing that we changed here is modernizing it, tinkering with the language to make it consistent with other similar or related provisions so that the courts would be able to interpret the scope of those provisions similarly and how they apply to persons who may commit those offences.