Thank you, Ms. Boivin. It is always a pleasure to answer your questions. I know you are quite interested in this area.
Of course, for this bill as for all the others, it is necessary to seek the opinions of Department of Justice officials in order to determine its constitutionality. We make sure to do it in the case of an initiative or a bill that affects the privacy rights of Canadians.
You mentioned the fact that we seem to be pre-emptively discussing some of the mythology around this bill. Clearly, this legislation had a predecessor bill that I think raised alarms, and that's why I highlighted the particular issue around warrantless access. This bill does not contain aspects of warrantless access. This bill goes right to the very heart of the necessity to have judicial oversight.
Similarly, I highlight again the fact that the provinces and territories were quite adamant about the necessity to move in this direction, and that report was very instructive in the drafting of this legislation.