Thank you very much Madame Boivin. I'll try to answer your questions in the order that you presented them.
With regard to the Supreme Court budget, of course that money is there. It is allocated. That money will be there to cover the salary of an eventual replacement for Mr. Justice Fish, so there is every intention of course to fill that post and to do so in an expedited way. I've now had the opportunity to speak with my new counterpart from Quebec, someone well known to you, Madame Vallée, so we had a face-to-face meeting this week in Ottawa. I intend to move as expeditiously as possible to fill that post.
With respect to legal aid, you would know that in the face of all departments making difficult decisions and in reductions in many areas we did not reduce the budget with respect to legal aid, so that money remained stable while at the same time provincial transfers did increase to provinces like Quebec and others across the country, in some cases as high as 25% in the province of Nova Scotia. So increase in transfers and no decrease—