Thank you. If it's all right, I'll respond first to that.
When the bill was first tabled, we actually sat and started looking at it, and our three families got to spend time that night actually looking over things and talking about it. There was the question around the cable part. It was something to do with the cable signal. The way I interpreted that personally, an example I was thinking of, is how you have someone parked outside your house, your Wi-Fi is open, and they tap into your Wi-Fi and start sending out images or messages to people and attacking people under your name, if they can get into your account like that. That's what I saw that clause as being able to deal with.
Now someone else I heard on a talk radio show interpreted that to mean that your bill is going to make sure that I pay my Rogers bill on time. Well, I haven't heard any parliamentarian worried about me paying Rogers or Bell, or whoever my provider is.