It would to a certain measure, but I think what it would allow us to do is that once we identified specific information and were able to determine where that information was housed, for example, as indicated before, we'd have that 21-day period if it's a local provider to be able to get that information now. If at the end of that 21-day period we weren't able to get the necessary judicial authorization in place, then it would fall and we wouldn't be able to obtain that information. It would help us. I don't think it would go as far as we'd like it to in order to get that timely information, and timely, ideally, would be within the days that would follow. But as indicated before, we also realized that when we are doing these documents, something as simple as a search warrant is no longer simple today.
The last search warrant I wrote was back in 2002 and it was a 15-page document. It took me about three days to prepare and that was simply for a public mischief charge.