Thank you very much.
I think you both have taken us through the recklessness standard and some of the other key provisions of this bill, and you both mentioned that there's a tension here. Clearly what we're all struggling with is that we need to draw a line between protection of privacy and prevention of harm.
Mr. Gilhooly, you said in your opening comments that if we make a mistake, we can always go back and correct it. What harm is there if the ISP provides the name and address of someone who may be sending an image or sending a message that the party on the other side thinks is bullying but that may turn out, when looked at judicially, not to be? What is the harm to the person whose information is being disclosed versus the need to act quickly to prevent the harm, if in fact it is a case of criminal liability? Can you speak to that, Mr. Gilhooly, as a victim and as a lawyer?
I'd like to hear from Mr. Butt as well.