I'm going to call this meeting to order. We have a few housekeeping items before we get to our guests.
This is meeting number 28 of the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights. The meeting is being televised as requested. As a reminder to my friends who are on the cameras behind me, these are fixed shots, so no panning the room. Only those who are individually speaking can be televised.
I have a couple of housekeeping items first of all that I want to deal with before we move to the witnesses.
Let me deal with Thursday first. We have a commitment from Facebook to be here live on Thursday. They have requested that The Internet Association also appear. They were was not on anyone's list; this is Facebook's request. They can appear by video conference only. At present we are in Centre Block, because our meeting today is going to be televised, but you cannot do video conferencing from Centre Block until we get it properly wired. We either have to move to another room or to 1 Wellington to have The Internet Association folks appear by video conference.
This time slot always has the issue of potentially conflicting with votes. I don't think it's happening today. I'm leaving it to committee to discuss whether we stick with the Centre Block and have Facebook here, and say sorry to The Internet Association, or move to either to 1 Wellington or stay here and have The Internet Association by video conference.
Madam Boivin, on that point.