Excellent. I was simply thanking you for being here, Mr. Warawa.
Thank you for your bill.
We, the members of the NDP, were very pleased to support it at second reading. Now we will be examining it more in depth, of course. It is often in examining the details that we see that certain small corrections need to be made.
That said, you talked about thousands of cases. Do you know what kind of impact this bill would have, and on how many files, approximately? Do you have any statistics on that? We know the statistics for offences of a sexual nature, for instance, but how many files do you think would be impacted by the bill?
Do you think that the courts have sufficient means to deal with this? Will this increase their workload? I am somewhat concerned about access to justice, because it takes time. Will this type of bill slow the process down, or will it on the contrary, fit in very well and very easily with the type of orders that were analyzed previously?