Actually, one of the increases in criminal offences is sexual assault against children. I do not have an opinion on what is causing this increase, but the victims are often hesitant to report this because of a number of factors. It could be shame or guilt. It could be threats from the offender to the child that if the child tells anybody, there will be harm done to these family members.
There are a number of different circumstances why a number of the offences are not reported, but to see now a dramatic increase is quite shocking. We need to get to the root of whether there is an actual increase in the number of offences or whether there is an increase in the number of offences that are being reported. Perhaps that is an issue for this committee to deal with in a future study.
My bill is specifically regarding how we manage these offenders. I believe the safest and most appropriate way to create a just society and a safe society is to ensure that there would be a bubble zone, a restricted area so that the offender would not knowingly be going in any area where the victim is.
The time for a victim to heal can be very long. The term “very long“ is very general, but it could be years and years. The victim may never fully recover. Every time they see their attacker, the offender, it may trigger fear and anxiety. Each of us has our memories, and they last a long, long time. We need to give the victim the time to heal. That's why not only does it deal with this bubble zone during the warrant period, but possibly after, if it's deemed appropriate by the courts to have a peace bond.
Thank you for your question.