Let me come back to the smaller community scenario, because there may not be that distance if the offender's primary residence is closer. Actually I don't have a problem if the offender's primary residence is within half a kilometre of the victim's residence. I don't have a problem if they can't live there anymore. They committed the offence, so if they have to move somewhere else, that's too damned bad. I don't have a problem with that, so I think we ought to be careful with proposed item 732.1(2)(a.1)(i), because you'd basically be asking for the victim's or the victim's family's consent if it's within a closer range. I think we ought to be careful there, because if you're in a small community, a community like mine, you'd have difficulty getting two kilometres away. However, if the offences occurred, and one of the conditions was a distance of two kilometres, then I don't see why if it's a small community you would give the offender that option. It's too bad he committed the offence, but now he'll have to move somewhere else, and that's his problem. We don't want to re-victimize the victim.
Where are you on that?