I'm going to call this meeting back to order. We are going to do clause-by-clause on Bill C-13. I want to thank each and every one who has submitted amendments on this and on time. I know there were a few slight changes last night that needed to be made.
I also want to welcome Ms. May to the table, who has submitted pieces for amendment as a private member—she might like to call it something else—and we will deal with them as we go. As a member she will be, when it comes to.... As common practice has been I think, Ms. May will get a minute to talk about her amendment that she's proposing on Bill C-13. I might even have started it, I'm not sure, in a previous bill.
I will read out where there is a conflict. So when I say a “line conflict” that means that if this passes, the others will be out of order—not passable because we've already done something with that line. I should let the committee know that I'm not ruling on any amendments as out of order to begin with. They were all in order, so there you go. Thank you for that.