Thank you very much.
With regard to the parliamentary secretary's comments about not hearing witnesses, it was in fact this justice committee that heard the witnesses on my private member's bill in this same session of Parliament. So the witnesses have been here. The testimony has been in front of this committee.
As for the fact that the bill's in front of the Senate, precisely what happened with the first version of this bill is that it died in the Senate without the Senate acting on the bill. So the Senate has now had my private member's bill for coming up on 16 months and has failed to pass the bill.
It would be, I guess, a way for the government to hide their opposition of this bill by having it defeated by inaction in the Senate. But as I said, the House of Commons has twice pronounced on this very point. This committee heard the evidence during this session of Parliament, and I would urge the government to reconsider that position.