Yes. It's been my experience that most of us have had to hit rock bottom in order to get out, which means near death experiences, mental health issues, or being institutionalized. Sometimes jail actually gives us the opportunity to have that time to be able to think about our life circumstances. Obviously jail is not an exit program, as might have been implied by others.
I managed to get out because I....
I was in the sex trade industry for 12 years. I was forced, and I also sold independently. I have sold sex in illegal establishments and legal establishments. I went for 10 of those 12 years never using hard drugs. In fact, I discriminated against people who did use drugs.
The trauma caught up with me. I've been sexually assaulted by a driver for escorts. The escort drivers who were driving me from A to B were coke dealers; it was easily accessible. A trauma incident happened. I didn't know how to cope and I did turn to cocaine. I spent two years on cocaine and developed a drug-induced schizophrenia. That was a pretty scary experience for me.