My second question would be for Mr. Hanson, because at the end of your testimony you clearly said prostitutes will not have a criminal record under this new law. But according to the Canadian law, for criminal records, it clearly states to get a suspension of your criminal record, it takes five years. I'm going to cite it in French, sorry:
It clearly says everyone is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.
I was wondering. I clearly know in Quebec when you get arrested you have to go to the police station and give your prints. I'm sorry, I'm not from Alberta so I don't know how it works.
So you have never arrested a prostitute? Can you say no prostitutes have ever had a criminal record and had to give their prints? Because I know for a fact that it is not true that they won't. If they get arrested and get recognized as guilty of an offence, they will end up with a criminal record.