The only reason I'm asking is that the government had to produce a bill—or not, it was their choice—because the Supreme Court said, and I'm sorry I'm going to read it in French:
Concluding that each of the challenged provisions violates the charter. . . .
—because we have a Charter of Rights in Canada—
. . . does not mean that Parliament is precluded from imposing limits on where and how prostitution may be conducted, as long as it does so in a way that does not infringe the constitutional rights of prostitutes.
You said something in your presentation that struck me.
You talked about curbing the demand. My question is this, and I think it is the $20-million question. How do we curb the demand while at the same time making sure that the sex workers are safe? Have you studied that aspect in any shape or form? Because we are confronting that situation here.